Friday, March 26, 2010


When thinking to invest in stock market, the hardest thing is discipline!

Timing is a very important factor that decides your profit margin, however sometimes we found it is too tempted to buy or to sell whenever you found a small margin your portfolio.

Most of the time, the urge to action is too strong therefore we will easily make a wrong judgment and regret then. By the time you realize that you have made a wrong investment most of the people will lie to themselves that is for long term investment. This is definitely a bad cycle and history did repeat itself. In the end people used to be lost more whenever invest in stock market.

No wonder people said: To control yourself from selling is harder than control buying.

Stock market is full of uncertainties, if you able to learn to be patient, undoubtedly you will be the ultimate winner.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


感觉随着年龄的增长, 记忆力却越见衰退了。

可能是因为有太多的东西需要记,家里的,工作上的,网上户口, 提款卡密码,林林总总。

很多东西看起来往往似曾相识(deja vu), 一直尝试想记起些零星的画面, 可却不得要领, 这种感觉很叫人困惑。

记忆力这东西很奇妙, 人生如果可以选择性的记着开心的事,重要的事; 忘却不开心的事, 芝麻绿豆的琐事, 那该有多好, 可事与愿违。

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


当大地寂静,众人皆睡,唯我独醒, 那是种很痛苦的滋味。